Delineate the space by placing a quartz crystal (or a stone) in the North, South, East, West,
to guide you as you create the sacred space.
Make Altar in the East of the proposed SPACE.
On the Altar, at the right, place a bowl of sea water, (or salt crystals), at the left an incense holder with incense.
Place a candle on the Altar central in front, and a quartz crystal (or stone) in front of that,).
When ready to create the SPACE - light candle and incense, purify water by putting the tip of finger in the water saying
“I Bless this crystal of the sea, and cast out all that is impure ”
Create SACRED SPACE by extending the arm in front and walk round the room anti clockwise, saying...
“ I create this space so that it may be a boundary between the worlds of the everyday and the eternal plains.”
Sprinkle the sea water AROUND THE SPACE, Whilst saying;-
"This SACRED SPACE is created and we are between worlds, beyond the bounds of time.
Carry the incense AROUND THE SPACE saying;
"Where night and day, joy and sorrow, birth and death, meet as one".
Then pick up the candle and walk AROUND THE SPACE saying;
"This SACRED SPACE is bound and blessed, Amen"
and then place it back on the altar,
The SACRED SPACE is now complete and ready for Confession,Worship, Prayer and Healing or other work needing to be done whilst being in the SACRED SPACE.
Beginning the prayer ritual.
Stand at Altar and then say...
”Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob -
I stand not in my own righteousness,
but in the righteousness of Your Son Jesus Christ"
say "Please allow my Guardian Angel to be present".
Singing with arms raised.. a devotional song, Psalm, or phrase such as ...
"Hallelujah, Jesu Christ ....or phrases of your own " in spontaneous melody, and or speaking in tongues, for as long as it feels right....This can be 5 minutes or up to 10 or 15 minutes
Meditation, Prayer, Intercession
Contemplation, waiting on God,
Kneel before altar, 'sitting on your heels' if you like, get comfortable.
Your time to listen.
After 2,3,5 minutes or what seems appropriate, stand up.
Standing in the EAST, raise arms saying ..
"Lord thank you for blessing and witnessing my ritual....
(spontaneous thanksgiving)"
Then bid the Guardian Angel farewell; saying...
"Guardian Angel thankyou for guarding this place and worshipping with me, I bid thee farewell"
Now from the altar walk clockwise, Saying three times as you walk around the room,
"This space is now open but not broken"
"This space is now open but not broken"
"This space is now open but not broken"
When at the East, say
"Carried within our hearts, always to merry meet and merry part."
Snuff out candle and clean up, putting every thing away.
Please feel free to change the wording in places to suit your own religious thought and feelings.
Acknowledgements: to the Lord for guidance and inspiration: and to a wide variety of sources - books and internet sites from which this Ritual has been collected and written.